Green Energy Index
/in Databases /by admin9892SOLAR INDEX – WIND INDEX
This database highlights potential areas for new solar infrastructure and wind turbine development.All the protected natural areasas well as the urban and industrial ones have been deducted from the original Italian territory surface. The solar power, wind speed and power density index have been calculated in the remaining areas. The comparison of these indices provides to users a complete panorama of new business areas. The Solar and Wind
Index provide to the energy sector companies an intuitive and immediate vision of potentially suitable areas capable to host solar and photovoltaic systems.
These indices derive from a complex analysis studying all the physical territory characteristics, in order to identify areas with a high predisposition to the solar and wind energy production and at the same time with a low risk of biodiversity environmental impacts.
/in Databases /by admin9892GEOPOP
Geopop database is an Istat and geographical data integration, in particular Iptsat applied a spatial model of the population statistical attribution to national buildings (updated from year to year with a linear trend).

In fact, after updating the database with the current year population data, these images show how to estimate the population residing in residential buildings.
Links of interest
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